
Dalit Mitra Award

The organization headed by Shri. Ashok Shukla was honoured by the State Govt. of Maharashtra by Dalit Mitra Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Puraskar for the year 1995-96.

Trophy for Aids & Drug Abuse preventive movement

This trophy was awarded for the State Govt. of MH by the Collector of Jalgaon.
The Deaddiction treatment programe is 5 week (35 days). In the treatment Medical, Psychiatric, Psychological, and Personality treatment is given during the 35 days. The basic goal of the treatment is to make the addict person physically mentally & spiritually strong enough to keep himself away from drug & make his personality anti drug personality.

Cosmos Bank Award

The organization headed by Shri. Ashok Shukla was honoured by the State Govt. of Maharashtra by Dalit Mitra Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Puraskar for the year 1995-96.